Timeline: 2015 – 2020 – 2025
Why Redeemer Man?
In honor of our Lord and Savior, the provider of all things, the ever merciful and compassionate, in bringing forth Africa’s image of a peaceful development frontier and shield to all mankind.
Massive Infrastructural Development of Africa (MIDA) comparative to the Marshall Plan in Europe
Help change the heart of the world leaders in supporting and backing this plan and
implementation stages through AU, UN, WB ADF, ALF, MIF, and other organizations and agencies….
Co-opt African leaders under the AU to formulate different agencies to support the implementation
Incorporate Regional bodies as co – implementers for future maintenance of regional units
Utility Infrastructure:- Roads/Bridges, Power, Water Resources – Sewer, Telecoms etc…
Social Infrastructure:- Health, Education, Agriculture, Housing and Commerce & Trade
This program seeks to advocate and/or solicit governments around the world to implement policies that favor increased philanthropy towards Africa. This will encourage private individuals, corporations and organizations to practice increased giving and partner with Africa in meeting the developmental needs of the continent, comparable to the Marshall Plan of the late 1940s in Europe in all areas of need….
Education Health
Water Resources Agriculture
Transportation Energy
Sanitation / Sewer Environment Re
$500B – 1 Trillion as needed to be funded
Africa to fund at least 50% of projected targets through pooling from about 20 countries an annual 1B contr…
Min 1 % Annual Developmental Gift AID from the US; W Europe. G8, Asian, Gulf, and other willing Nations.
Raise a Global African Developmental Bond & Stocks…
BOT – Build, Operate & Transfer Scheme on some revenue yielding projects…
Attract Contributions from various Multi-National-Corps, Agencies, Organizations…
Pool resources from Individuals Worldwide
Formation of Commission for Implementation:
A consortium of organizations to nominate a candidate to a MIDA Commission with the
the structure under a Director / Secretary giving express authority to facilitate implantation of
the 5 -10-year developmental plan, with oversight from existing global body i.e. WB
Other Programs Proposed:
— African Remittances for Development;
Host countries to allow certain percentages of monetary remittances targeted at
Specific core development projects/programs to be tax-deductible across the board.
–The Africa Diaspora Passport ;
A web-accessible Africa Union (AU) Diaspora Passport to be coupled with any
original passport serving as an entry visa printable for travel anywhere on the continent
of Africa.